Our mission is to make workplaces transparent and rewarding for both employees and employers.
Comparably reveals company cultures & market compensation (as contributed by real employees), and showcases the most fair and accurate display of employer brands.
About Us
Trusted by the world’s leading technology companies for 25 years, we move, store, process and secure the world’s data with semiconductor solutions designed for our customers’ current needs and future ambitions. Through a process of deep collaboration and transparency, we’re ultimately changing the way tomorrow’s enterprise, cloud, automotive, and carrier markets transform—for the better.
Roles in demand
Senior Staff RTL Design Engineer
Physical Verification expert
Power & Signal Integrity Planning and Analysis Lead
Principal Engineer - SoC Verification
Senior Staff Engineer, Physical Design
Coming home?
The GTX platform is designed to make your transition uber smooth!
Global Talent Exchange is dedicated to matching your unique experience and skill set with prime opportunities in the Indian job market, so your homecoming turns into your success story!
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